• class - a programmer-defined blueprint from which objects are created
    • inheritance hierarchy - where a class serves as a superclass for more than one subclass
  • constructor - a block of code that has the same name as the class

    • and tells the computer how to create a new object
  • debugging - identifying + fixing problems in an algorithm or program

  • instantiate - to call the constructor to create an object

  • object - an instance of a class

    • attribute - a characteristic of an object
    • behavior - an action that an object can perform
    • object-oriented programming - an approach to creating and using models of physical or imagined objects
    • state - the attributes of an object that are represented by its instance variables
  • methods

    • method signature - consists of a name and parameter list
    • method decomp. - the process of breaking a problem down into smaller parts to write methods for each part
  • constructor signature - the first line of the constructor which includes the public keyword, the constructor name, and the values to specify when an object is created

  • inheritance - an object-oriented programming principle where a subclass inherits the attributes and behaviors of a superclass
  • subclass - a class that extends a superclass and inherits its attributes and behaviors
  • superclass - a class that can be extended to create subclasses
  • edge case - a bug that occurs at the highest or lowest end of a range of possible values or in extreme situations
  • redundant code - code that is unnecessary; reiterates the same point