public class Main {
  //any other classes can access when it is public
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //public: anyone can access it
    //static: run it w/o Main
    //void: method does not return value
    //main: name of method
    System.out.println("Print this here");
    //System: already defined to hold variables & methods
    //out: static variable for output
    //println: print a line

//1. create a short program to print your
//name, birthday, hobby, or anything you like

//variables & types (identify them)
//byte - number; save memory in arrays or used in place
//of int
//short - number; use to save memory in arrays 16
//int - number; use to represent 32-bit integer 32
//long - number; use when need a range of values 64
//more than those in int
//float - float; save memory in large arrays; not for 
//precise values
//double - float; decimal values, not for precise values
//char - character; single 16 bit
//boolean - true or false; for T or F conditions
//try to identify if they are either a number, float, 
//character or (true or false)

//to declare and assign a number
int aNumber;
aNumber = 34;
//you can also combine 
int bNumber;
bNumber = 80;
//Exercise: declare 2 numbers in each of the methods above

//Characters and Strings
//character: it is its own type and not just a num
//ex: char a = 'b'
//String: a real type
//methods to create a string
//1. make it with a constructor
String sent1 = new String("Hello, it's me");
//2. using the paranthesis
String sent2 = "Muhahahaha!";
//to concatenate strings
String sent3 = sent1 + sent2;
//Exercise: create 2 sentences in each of the methods above
//Exercise 2: try to concatenate string and numbers
//ex: int num = 90; String = "I have three pineapples here.
int num = 90;
String sentence = "I have three pineapples here" + num;

//try to create if, else for 2 scenarios
//first scenario when a and b is equal
//print out "they are equal"
//print out "they are not equal"
if (aNumber == bNumber) 
  System.out.println("they are equal");
  System.out.println("they are not equal");

// //Exercise 2: if 
// int aNumber = 100;
// int bNumber = 150;
// boolean result;
// // //will these be T or F?
// // aNumber < bNumber; 
// // aNumber > bNumber; 
// // aNumber <= 100; 
// // bNumber >= 151; 
// // aNumber == b; 
// // aNumber != b; 
// // // aNumber > bNumber || aNumber < bNumber 
// // !result F

// String a = new String("hi");
// String b = new String("hi");
// String c = a;

// boolean s1 = a == b;
// boolean s2 = a.equals(b);
// boolean s3 = a == c;
they are not equal