import java.util.Scanner; //allows scanners to be in the program
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    double num = 0; //keeps count num as the total
    double x = 0; //x starts as 1 when user inputs one number keeps count
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(; //creates a scanner to allow for input
    System.out.println("You must have an even number of cars! How many do you want to own? "); //asks user for input
    int n = sc.nextInt(); //takes in integers
    while(n % 2 == 0) { //while loop as long as asking integer is less than needed integer
      System.out.println("# of Cars " + "("+ (int) x + ")"+":");
      //takes in integers and goes to next one (sums up nums)
      x += n; //adds 1 to x so once it reaches x=n it will exit loop
    System.out.println("Number of Cars: " + x); //prints out the output/average
You must have an even number of cars! How many do you want to own? 
import java.util.Scanner; //allows scanners to be in program

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(; //creates a scanner

System.out.print("Input 1st number: "); //asks user for input
int num1 = in.nextInt(); //saves number and goes to next int

System.out.print("Input 2nd number: "); //same as above
int num2 = in.nextInt();

System.out.println("The average of those numbers are " + (num1 + num2)/(2));

//prints out
//num you want to divide is however many numbers you want to average out
Input 1st number: Input 2nd number: The average of those numbers are 3