Video Notes

  • culture has molded stress
  • stress takes its toll and it takes its toll in a way the students don’t sometimes want to admit and that’s what
  • students are so depressed these days and feel lonely
  • research shows that we can control a lot more of our happiness
  • all good things in life start by taking control
  • when looking at enterprise, you must recognize that intuition doesn’t work work; mind is often lying to you
  • people who seek out material aspirations are actually statistically more likely to have lower well-being than people who tend not to seek out material aspirations
  • we need to embrace if we’re gonna embark on what we need to do
  • helping others helps us more than we think
  • make time for gratitude
  • half hour of cardio exercise every day is equivalent to taking an anti-depression medication on the market just a half hour a day
  • benefiting our physical health is also benefiting our mental health
  • take time to be in the present moment
  • become affluent not in wealth but in time

Things to be grateful for:

  • family
  • friends
  • a comfortable home
  • people to provide for you
  • an education
  • the accessibility to AP and honors classes
  • a comfortable living (money)
  • the ability to read, write, see, etc.
  • the ability to make connections
  • the ability to travel
  • rights. all amendments passed.
  • history and legacy
  • medicine and healthcare
  • clothing
  • electricity
  • clean water